Scholar's Mate

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Scholar's Mate: Learn. To locate the Scholar's Mate video, make one click down... Please be aware that Scholar's Mate is the most common trap chess beginners fall into. If you are one of them, you are recommended to learn this mate first.

The following is more information on Scholar's Mate. In different countries, the mate is known under the following names: Children's mate, Shoemaker's mate, Shepherd's mate, Schoolboy's mate, or Barber's mate. The mate is very short, just 4 oves.

The Scholar's Mate idea is to attack the weak square f7 (at the beginning, being defended only by the Black King) with the White Queen and a White Bishop. There are many ways of defending against Scholar's Mate... And the below video is to show you the best way of doing this...

Learn once to remember forever... To see the video under the name of Scholar's Mate: Learn, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the ruler handle with your mouse.

You have just seen the video and must remember: The best Scholar's Mate defense is to cover the f7 square with the Black Queen and then attack the White Queen. Also, it is not recommended to move on the Queen too early in the game, because this may result in getting worse opening position.

On this Chess Video Blog, you can find similar video on Legal's Mate by clicking the following link:
Learn the Legal's Mate

If you are chess beginner and have no any idea how to play chess openings, you can see the chess opening lessons by clicking the following link:
Chess Openings for Beginners

Learn the Legal's Mate

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Learn the famous Legal's Checkmate. Study how to conduct and how to avoid the Legal's Mate at the beginning of the chess game. Good for chess beginners. To view this chess video, click Play below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the play ruler handle with your mouse.

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