Famous Games: The Evergreen Game

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A chess series "Famous Chess Games Ever Played". See the Evergreen Game, which was played between Adolf Anderssen and Jean Dufresne in 1852. This Chess Game was named the Evergreen Game by Wilhelm Steinitz. White won, 24 moves, Evans Gambit, powerful attack, Queen sacrifice, checkmate... To see and enjoy the Evergreen Game, click the Play button below:

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Famous Game: The Opera Game.

Famous Games | The Immortal Draw

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Famous Chess Games: The Immortal Draw. This game was played between Carl Hamppe and Philipp Meitner in Vienna in 1872. 18 moves: Draw, Draw by Agreement, Vienna Game, Queen sacrifice, Black King having a walk across the chess board... To see this famous Chess Game, click the Play button below:

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Chess Video Home.
Famous Game: A 1619 Greco's Game.

Famous Games | The Immortal

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Famous Chess Games: The Immortal Game. This game was played between Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky in London in 1851. 23 moves: White won, King's Gambit, Queen sacrifice, 2-Rook sacrifice, checkmate... To see this famous Chess Game, click the Play button below:

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Chess Video Home.
Famous Game: A 1619 Greco's Game.

Famous Games | Polish Immortal

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Famous Chess Games: Polish Immortal. This game was played in 1928, in Warsaw, Poland. 22 moves: Black won, Dutch Defense, sacrifice of all minor chess pieces (2 Knights, 2 Bishops), checkmate. To see this famous Chess Game, click the Play button below:

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Famous Games | Petrov's Immortal

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Famous Chess Games: Petrov's Immortal. This game was played in Warsaw in 1844. 20 moves: Black won, Italian Game, Queen sacrifice, King hunt, checkmate... Petrov's Immortal is considered one of the most famous chess games ever played. To see more games of this chess series, use the navigation links of this site. To see and enjoy Petrov's Immortal, click the Play button below:

• If the chess video stops, drag a little right the play ruler handle with your mouse.
• To find more famous chess games, use the navigation links.

See more video on Chess Video Blog:
Famous Chess Game: The Opera Game.
Famous Chess Game: A 1619 Greco's Game.
Avoid Blunders: Chess Game 1.