Chess Games | Peruvian Immortal

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A chess series "Famous Chess Games" is designed for chess lovers. See "Peruvian Immortal", which was played in 1934 by Chess Master E.Canal... 2-Rook sacrifice, Queen sacrifice... White won by checkmate, 14 moves... A chess series "Famous Chess Games" in full will be available at this chess site. To see and enjoy the Game, click the Play button below:

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See more video on Chess Video Blog:
Chess Video New.
Famous Game: The Opera Game.

Famous Games: A 1619 Greco's Game

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A chess series "Famous Chess Games" is designed for chess lovers. See A 1619 Greco's Game, which was played by Gioachino Greco in 1619. White won, 8 moves, Queen sacrifice, checkmate... A chess series "Famous Chess Games" in full will be available at this chess site. To see and enjoy A 1619 Greco's Game, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the play ruler handle with your mouse.

See more video on Chess Video Blog:
Chess Video Home.
Famous Game: The Opera Game.
Famous Game: A 1619 Greco's Game.

Famous Games | The Opera Game

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A chess series "Famous Chess Games" is designed for chess lovers. See the Opera Game, which was played by Paul Morphy in 1858. This Chess Game was named the Opera Game because it was played at the Paris Opera House. White won, 17 moves, Philidor Defense, quick White development, Queen sacrifice, checkmate... A chess series "Famous Chess Games" in full will be available at this chess site. To see and enjoy the Opera Game, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the play ruler handle with your mouse.

See more video on Chess Video Blog:
Chess Video Home.
Famous Game: A 1619 Greco's Game.

Chess Board Set Up

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For chess beginners. How to correctly set up the chess board to play chess? It's very easy to set up the chess board correctly if you know these 2 simple rules. Otherwise, you may easily place the chess pieces on the board in a wrong way...

To learn the topic, you are recommended to see this short video on Chess Board Set Up. To see the chess video, just click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's handle.
• To find more chess videos, use Chess Videos Sitemap.

You have seen the video and understood how to correctly set up the chess board. The following is just to remind you the set up procedures:

• Place the empty board so that "the square in the lower right-hand corner is white."
• So, remember the 1st memo rule regarding the chess board "white on right."
• Place 8 white pawns on the 2nd rank, and 8 black pawns on the 7th rank.
• Place 2 white rooks and 2 black rooks on the corners.

• Place 2 white knights and 2 black knights next to the rooks of the same color.
• Place 2 white bishops and 2 black bishops next to the knights of the same color.
• Place the white queen on the white center square, the black queen on the black.
• So, remember the 2st memo rule "queen on color."
• Place each king next to the queen of the same color.

To correctly set up the chess board to play chess, please always remember these 2 memo rules:
• "White on right."
• "Queen on color."

Chess Test: Are You Chess Beginner or Not?

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Chess Test: Are You Chess Beginner or Not? If you solve 7 of these 10 chess puzzles, your real chess level is higher than Chess Beginner's... To view this chess video on Chess Test, click Play below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the play ruler handle with your mouse.

See more video on Chess Video Blog:
Chess Video Main Page.
The Most Famous Puzzle.
Learn the Legal's Mate.

Find Checkmate Move: 10 Puzzles, Mate in 1

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Checkmate Move: 10 Chess Puzzles. Mate in 1. Solve the checkmate puzzles. For chess beginners. Each puzzle has only one solution. To view this chess video on Checkmate Move, click Play below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the play ruler handle with your mouse.

See more video on Chess Video Blog:
Chess Video Home.
The Most Famous Puzzle.
Learn the Legal's Mate.

Chess Piece Values

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Chess Piece Values: All chess pieces except for the King have their own values, which can be calculated in relative points. By which factors are the values calculated? What are other factors to consider? How to compare the values of Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, and Pawn?

Is it possible to increase the chess piece values? Is it good for you to exchange the Queen for 2 Rooks? The Bishop and 3 Pawns for a Rook? 2 Pawns for a Knight? You should know this chess knowledge because it is very important for successfully playing chess...

To find the answers, you are recommended to see a video on Chess Piece Values. The video will explain you in simple the topic. It will also provide you with the Table of Chess Piece Values. To view this chess video on Chess Piece Values, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's handle.
• To find more chess videos, use Chess Videos Sitemap.

You saw the video and understood the topic. Just to remind you, please find below the Table of Chess Piece Values and some additional information on the topic:

Table of Chess Piece Values
Queen = 10 Points
Rook = 5 Points
Knight = 3 Points
Bishop = 3 Points
Pawn = 1 Point

Additional Information
• 2 Bishops are stronger than 2 Knights.
• If developed, the chess piece has more value.
• If locked or at the corner, the chess piece looses its value.
• At the endgame, the value of the Pawn is higher.
• The closer promotion, the more value of the Pawn.

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