Knight Fork Maker | Endgame Problem

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Knight Fork Maker | Chess Endgame Problem | Short Video: To find this chess video puzzle, make one click down. The Knight Fork Maker Puzzle is an useful one to learn the Knight's power in producing chess forks. White to Move and Win. Play as White and try to find the only solution...

More information on this chess knight problem. The endgame position... White: 1 Pawn, 1 Knight, 1 King. Black: 1 Bishop, 1 King. Neutralize the Black Bishop and promote the only White Pawn. Knight against Bishop. Learn the puzzle ideas. Pay close attention to the first White move... Diversion, zuzwang, fork...

The video puzzle's solving order:
1. See the puzzle position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second try to solve the puzzle.
4. See the puzzle solution.

To see this short Puzzle under the name of Knight Fork Maker, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's ruler handle.
• To find more videos on this site, use Chess Video Sitemap.

On this site, you can find more chess puzzles - short endgames. Each puzzle idea must be useful for chess beginners to learn endgame. 30-second try and you will win or save the game, or you will go for nothing... Try to understand the puzzle hints. See the combination ideas once to remember forever...

To see more videos on, click the next links:
Rook Endgame Puzzle
Bobby Fischer: The Game of the Century

To see more chess endgame puzzles with the hints on, use this link:
Online Chess Puzzles

Pawn Queens | Chess Endgame Puzzle

Navigation: Click here to see Sitemap of this chess video blog.

Pawn Queens | Chess Endgame | Short Video Puzzle: To find this chess video puzzle, make one click down. The Pawn Queens Puzzle is a typical endgame, in which a White Pawn and a Black Pawn, both, are going to be promoted to the Queen Rank. White to Move and Win. Play as White and try to find the only solution...

More information about this short puzzle. The endgame position is as follows. White: 1 Pawn, 1 Bishop, 1 King. Black: 3 Pawns, 1 King. In a moment there will be 2 Queens on the board, with the Black Queen to be promoted first. Find the only way to take the Black Queen and to save You Own Queen... The puzzle is provided with the hints.

The video puzzle solving order:
1. See the position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second solving try.
4. See the puzzle solution.

To see this short Puzzle under the name of Pawn Queens, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's ruler handle.
• To find more videos on this site, use Chess Video Sitemap.

On this site, you can find more chess puzzles - short endgames. All are specially selected: Each puzzle will give you an idea what to do in the chess endgame. 30-second try and you will win or save the game, or you will go for nothing... See the combination ideas once to remember forever...

To see more videos on, click the next links:
Rook Endgame Puzzle
The Game of the Century by Bobby Fischer

If you are a chess beginner and have no any idea how to play chess openings, you can test the following link on the sister site of this one:
Chess Openings for Beginners

Bishop vs. Bishop | Chess Endgame Puzzle

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Bishop vs. Bishop | Chess Endgame Puzzle. To find this chess video puzzle, make one click down. The puzzle will show you a typical endgame where a White Bishop plays against a Black Bishop in order to promote a Pawn. White to Move and Win. Play as White and try to find the only way to promote the Pawn...

More about this video puzzle... Bishop ending: Sometimes it is difficult to break through the Bishop's "fire". There are some combination ideas how to overcome the Bishop line. This video puzzle will show you one of them how to neutralize the Black Bishop... The puzzle is provided with the hints and designed to improve your chess.

The video puzzle's solving order:
1. See the position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second solving try.
4. See the puzzle solution.

To see this chess video puzzle under the name of Bishop vs. Bishop, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's ruler handle.
• To find more videos, use the Sitemap links.

On this site, you can find more chess endgame puzzles - short chess video. All are specially selected: Each puzzle will give you an idea what to do in the chess endgame. 30-second try and you will win or save the game, or you will go for nothing... See the combination ideas once to remember forever...

To see more videos on, click the next links:
Rook Ending. Endgame Puzzle
Bobby Fischer and His Best Game. The Game of the Century

If you are a chess beginner and have no any idea how to play chess openings, you can test the following link on the sister site of this one:
Chess Openings for Beginners

Site Feed

Fork | Pin | Chess Endgame Puzzle

Navigation: Click here to see Sitemap of this chess video blog.

Fork | Pin | Chess Endgame Puzzle. To find this chess video puzzle, make one click down. The puzzle will show you an endgame where Black has the Queen, and White only a Bishop and a Pawn. White to Move and Draw. Play as White and try to find the only way to save the position and draw...

More about this video puzzle... Analyze the position. Pay special attention to the exact locations of Black's Queen and King and for White's Bishop, Pawn, and King. For White, it is possible to draw only now. Next moment it may be too late... Sacrifice, fork, pin: Sacrifice to fork and pin to draw... This chess video puzzle is provided with the hints and designed to improve your chess.

The video puzzle's solving order:
1. See the position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second solving try.
4. See the puzzle solution.

To see this chess video puzzle under the name of Fork | Pin, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's ruler handle.
• To find more videos, use the Sitemap links.

On this site, you will find more chess endgame puzzles - short chess video. All are specially selected: Each puzzle will give you an idea what to do in the chess endgame. 30-second try and you will win or save the game, or you will go for nothing... See the combination ideas once to remember forever...

To see more videos on famous chess games, chess puzzles, learning opening mistakes, and for better navigation within this site, use Chess Video Sitemap:
Chess Video Sitemap

To see chess puzzles at including chess endgame puzzles with the hints (only online), and to download as PDF ebooks chess puzzles on checkmate, endgame, typical combinations, use the following link:
Chess Puzzles: Online and PDF eBooks

If you are a chess beginner and have no any idea how to play chess openings, you can test the following link on the sister site of this one:
Chess Openings for Beginners

Promote Pawn | Chess Endgame Puzzle

Navigation: Click here to see Sitemap of this chess video blog.

Promote Pawn | Chess Endgame Puzzle. To find this chess video puzzle, make one click down. The puzzle will show you a typical endgame position with 2 pawns on both sides. White to Move and Win. Play as White and try to find the only way to promote the White Rook's Pawn. The promotion is the only way to win for White...

More about this video puzzle... The Pawn ending. The Black King is close enough to reach the White Rook's Pawn. The second White Pawn is neutralized by 2 Black's. Try to find the only solution to promote a Pawn and win. The puzzle is not difficult by itself. Pay special attention to the combination idea "Block the Line"... This chess video puzzle is provided with the hints and designed to improve your chess.

The video puzzle's solving order:
1. See the position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second solving try.
4. See the puzzle solution.

To see this chess video puzzle to find the only way to Promote Pawn, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's ruler handle.
• To find more videos, use the Sitemap links.

On this site, there will be more short chess puzzles on endgame positions. You are recommended to remember the main ideas of the puzzles for real chess play. In this puzzle, you are to block the Black King approach line to secure a White Pawn promotion... See the combination idea once to remember forever...

To see more videos on this site including famous chess games, chess puzzles, learning opening mistakes, use Chess Video Sitemap:
Chess Video Sitemap

To see and download chess puzzles at, use the following link:
Chess Puzzles: PDF and Online

Chess Endgame Puzzles: Rook Ending

Navigation: Click here to see Sitemap of this chess video blog.

Chess Endgame Puzzles: Rook Ending. More about this endgame video puzzle... The Rook against Rook ending. Black has 2 extra Pawns and is very close to win. Try to find the only solution to save the game. White to Move and Draw: Use the Stalemate idea and crazy Rook effect... The chess video puzzle is provided with the hints and designed to improve your chess endgame.

The puzzle solving order:
1. See the position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second solving try.
4. See the puzzle solution.

To see this chess video puzzle on Rook Ending and a short story about crazy and smart Rook, click the Play button below:

More short chess puzzles on endgame positions are to follow. You are recommended to remember and learn the main ideas of these endgame video puzzles for real chess play.

See more chess videos on this blog via Chess Video Sitemap:
Chess Video Sitemap

See online chess endgame puzzles with the hint at
Good Chess Puzzles: Hints Provided

Chess Endgame Puzzles: Zuzwang

Navigation: Click here to see Sitemap of this chess video blog.

Chess Endgame Puzzles: Zuzwang. This chess puzzle is designed to improve your chess endgame skill. More short chess puzzles like this are to follow. This one: White to Move and Win. The Rook against the Queen. The chess video puzzle is provided with the hints.

The puzzle solving order:
1. See the position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second solving try.
4. See the puzzle solution.

To see this short chess video puzzle on the Zuzwang Idea, click the Play button below:

See more chess videos on this blog via Chess Video Sitemap:
Chess Video Sitemap

See online chess endgame puzzles with the hint at
Online Chess Puzzles with the Hints