Stalemate Yourself in Chess?

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Chess Stalemate: For sure you know that the chess game may end in Draw by Stalemate. Chess players usually use the Stalemate idea in the endgame when their positions are very bad. But is it possible to stalemate your own pieces by yourself? It happens rarely, but it is possible. Have you met the Self-Stalemate idea implemented in chess? If not, just see this video puzzle...

Today you are recommended to solve the chess puzzle on the Self-Stalemate idea. You can find the puzzle below. White: The King, Bishop, and 4 Pawns. Black: The King and 5 Pawns. Black has 2 powerful Pawns, and in few moves he is going to promote at least one Pawn. White is not able to prevent. Stalemate is the only way out. Self-Stalemate, to be more correctly...

The chess puzzle's solving order:
1. See the puzzle position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second try to solve the puzzle.
4. See the chess puzzle solution.

To see this chess puzzle under the name of Stalemate Yourself!, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's handle.
• To find more chess videos, use Chess Videos Sitemap.

You've seen a chess puzzle on Self-Stalemate. You should remember this idea. It happens rarely, but it might happen even in your real games. And now some more information... Chess Stalemate is a situation when the player is to move, the player is not in check, and the player has no legal moves, all in one. Stalemate is a powerful resource to draw and save the game...

Pawn Endgame | To Take or Not

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Pawn Endgame | To Take or Not | Chess Puzzle: To find this chess video puzzle, make one click down. To take the Pawn or not to take? That's the question, and very important in this chess puzzle. White to Move and Win. Play as White and try to find the solution. The puzzle is to show you an useful idea you should be armed with in the chess endgame.

This chess puzzle: A typical endgame position... White: The King and 2 Pawns. Black: The King and 3 Pawns. All Pawns are blocked. A White Pawn is very close for the promotion, and the White King is going to help. But which move must be first for the White King? To take the Black Pawn or just bypass it? Learn the puzzle idea. The first move of the White King is...

The chess puzzle's solving order:
1. See the puzzle position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second try to solve the puzzle.
4. See the chess puzzle solution.

To see this chess puzzle under the name of To Take the Pawn or Not, click the Play button below:

• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's handle.
• To find more chess videos, use Chess Videos Sitemap.

You've seen a chess puzzle on Pawn Endgame. You've understood the idea. To take the Pawn or not to take? Usually this idea works when an opponent's Pawn (usually it is a Pawn, sometimes opponent's other chess piece) is an obstacle for the opponent himself... If the Black Pawn is taken, the Black King will have the way free to prevent the White Pawn promotion.

Famous Chess Games

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Famous Chess Games: A Launch Page of The page is designed to give you easy one-click access to all the Famous Chess Game videos located on this site. The topic being completed, find below the links and short information on each Famous Chess Game...

Famous Chess Games: Links and Short Information

The following is 11 links to the Famous Chess Game videos located on this site. Each link is in bold first. Click it and the link will open a separate page of this site in a new window of your browser. After you see a video, you can close the newly open window and return back to this Launch Page to see another famous game.

A 1619 Greco's Game
See A 1619 Greco's Game, which was played by Gioachino Greco in 1619. Gioachino Greco was an Italian chess player and writer. He recorded some of the first chess games for history, 77 in total. This game is one of them... White won, only 8 moves, Queen sacrifice, checkmate.

The Opera Game
See the Opera Game, which was played by Paul Morphy in 1858. This famous game was named the Opera Game because it was played at the Paris Opera House... White won, 17 moves, Philidor Defense, quick White development, Queen sacrifice, checkmate.

The Immortal Game
See the Immortal Game, which was played between Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky in London in 1851. White won, 23 moves, King's Gambit, Queen sacrifice, 2-Rook sacrifice, checkmate. Adolf Anderssen was also playing another famous game, which is next in the list...

The Evergreen Game
See the Evergreen Game, which was played between Adolf Anderssen and Jean Dufresne in 1852. The game was named the Evergreen Game by Wilhelm Steinitz... White won, 24 moves, Evans Gambit, powerful attack, Queen sacrifice, checkmate.

The Game of the Century
See the Game of the Century, which was played between Bobby Fischer and Donald Byrne in 1956. Bobby Fischer named this game as the best in his chess career, and he was playing this famous game at the age of 13... Black won, 41 moves, Grunfeld Defense, Queen sacrifice, powerful attack, checkmate.

The Petrov's Immortal
See the Petrov's Immortal, which was played between Alexander Hoffmann and Alexander Petrov in Warsaw in 1844. Alexander Petrov was a famous Russian chess player, chess composer, and chess writer... Black won, 20 moves, Italian Game, Queen sacrifice, King hunt, checkmate.

The Polish Immortal
See the Polish Immortal, which was played between Glinksberg and Miguel Najdorf in Warsaw, Poland, in 1928. Miguel Najdorf was a Polish-born Argentine chess grandmaster, famous for his Najdorf Variation... Black won, 22 moves, Dutch Defense, sacrifice of all minor chess pieces (2 Knights, 2 Bishops), checkmate.

The Peruvian Immortal
See the Peruvian Immortal, which was played in 1934 by Peruvian chess master Esteban Canal. Esteban Canal was awarded the IM title in 1950, and he became a GM in 1977... White won, 14 moves, 2-Rook sacrifice, Queen sacrifice, checkmate.

The Immortal Draw
See the Immortal Draw, which was played between Carl Hamppe and Philipp Meitner in Vienna in 1872. Both chess players are not well known, but the chess community is enjoying this famous draw... Draw by agreement, 18 moves, Vienna Game, Queen sacrifice, Black King having a funny walk across the chess board.

The Octopus Knight
See the Octopus Knight, which was played between Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov as Game 16 of the 1985 World Championship Match. The game was named the Octopus Knight because of the dominating position of the Black Knight on d3... Black won, 40 moves, Sicilian Defense, dominating Knight, White resigned.

Deep Blue vs Kasparov: 1996, Game 1
See the Deep Blue vs Kasparov: 1996, Game 1. This game has upset the chess world: A computer named Deep Blue challenged the reigning world chess champion Garry Kasparov and won. Deep Blue was specifically designed by the IBM company to take on Garry Kasparov... White won, 37 moves, Sicilian Defense, Black resigned.

The topic on Famous Chess Games on has been completed. There will be more chess videos categorized by different chess topics. As of 2 September 2009, the topic on Useful Chess Endgame Puzzles are being developed. The topic on Useful Chess Endgame Puzzles will display many great ideas how to win endgame.