Stalemate Yourself in Chess?

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Chess Stalemate: For sure you know that the chess game may end in Draw by Stalemate. Chess players usually use the Stalemate idea in the endgame when their positions are very bad. But is it possible to stalemate your own pieces by yourself? It happens rarely, but it is possible. Have you met the Self-Stalemate idea implemented in chess? If not, just see this video puzzle...

Today you are recommended to solve the chess puzzle on the Self-Stalemate idea. You can find the puzzle below. White: The King, Bishop, and 4 Pawns. Black: The King and 5 Pawns. Black has 2 powerful Pawns, and in few moves he is going to promote at least one Pawn. White is not able to prevent. Stalemate is the only way out. Self-Stalemate, to be more correctly...

The chess puzzle's solving order:
1. See the puzzle position.
2. Read the puzzle hints.
3. Have a 30-second try to solve the puzzle.
4. See the chess puzzle solution.

To see this chess puzzle under the name of Stalemate Yourself!, click the Play button below:

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You've seen a chess puzzle on Self-Stalemate. You should remember this idea. It happens rarely, but it might happen even in your real games. And now some more information... Chess Stalemate is a situation when the player is to move, the player is not in check, and the player has no legal moves, all in one. Stalemate is a powerful resource to draw and save the game...