Chess Endgame Training | A Henri Rinck's Puzzle

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Chess Endgame Training | A Henri Rinck's Puzzle is a chess endgame puzzle compiled as chess video. You can find this chess video below. It will display a chess puzzle created by the famous chess composer Henri Rinch. The puzzle was first published in the year 1903.

Try to solve this video puzzle "without touching the chess pieces on the chess board." At first, the initial puzzle position will be shown for 3 seconds. Then, the video will show you the first correct move how to solve the puzzle. Play as White and Win. You will have 30 seconds.

The puzzle position includes the following chess pieces. Black: 1 King, 1 Queen, 3 Pawns. White: 1 King, 1 Rook, 1 Bishop, 2 Pawns. To win, you should catch the Queen. It looks that the Black Queen has a lot of space... But the first White move is a brilliant one...

At the end of the video, you will see the puzzle solution. All the moves are graphically explained. Within this endgame puzzle that was created by Henri Rinck in 1903, you will see few typical chess combinations. The puzzle must be useful for training chess endgame.

Level - chess intermediate. The puzzle may be also OK for the chess beginner because the first correct move is disclosed... And now you are ready to have a try to solve the puzzle "Chess Endgame Puzzle: H. Rinck-1903." To start the video - just click the Play button below:

• If the video hasn't shown up, please wait a little.
• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's handle.
• If the video displays an error, try to start and play it later.

The following is more information on Henri Rinck. Henri Rinck is a famous chess composer. He was born in 1870, left in 1952. French by nationality, he lived in France and Spain. A chemical engineer, scientist. He published 1670 chess endgame puzzles. His name stands in the first line of the world chess composition...

You've seen the video on the Practice Chess Online topic. If you have missed the puzzle's solution, you are recommended to replay the video again.
More chess videos to follow... And thank you for your time!