Queen vs Rook

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Queen vs Rook Video: This chess video will help you learn the Queen vs Rook endgame. You can locate this video on this page, just 1 click down. The video runs 3:35, and it will show you in a visible way almost all you need to know on playing this chess endgame. Queen vs Rook...

Before seeing the video, you are recommended to read this short introduction. The Queen vs Rook chess endgame is considered as winning for the stronger party. In some rare positions the weaker party is able to draw using the stalemate idea. You'll see these 3 typical positions.

At the chess master level, they don't play this endgame to the end at all. One of the chess player say, "I quit" or "I propose a draw", depending on the position. For the chess beginner, the Queen vs Rook endgame is not an easy one. Even if you plays with the Queen...

Now you are ready to see the video. Within it, you'll see 3 rare typical positions when the weaker party is able to draw. You'll see how to win for the stronger party. Please pay attention to the "Watch This!" sign... To start the video - click the Play button below:

• If the video hasn't shown up, please wait a little.
• If the video stops, drag a little right the player's handle.
• If the video displays an error, try to start and play it later.

The following is 3-step memo guide how to win this endgame:
• Approach Your King first.
• Make the Rook leave its King.
• Pick up the Rook or Checkmate.

Now you know how to win, now you know how to draw. Please try to remember 3 typical positions, which were shown in the video, when stalemate is possible. The Queen vs Rook endgame has been learned... Thank you!